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FormatQM Version 2.00
February, 1995
Sydex, Inc.
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
Voice: (503) 683-6033
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FormatQM is a diskette formatting utility that incorporates just about
everything that you'd ever want to see in a formatter. It features "no
hands" operation and will format different diskette types in the same
session. Up to 12 diskette drives can be specified in FormatQM
execution; FormatQM will check for a diskette inserted in a drive and
format it.
Here are the key features of FormatQM:
FormatQM offers the following features:
1. "No hands" operation--just insert blank diskettes as needed and
remove them when complete. FormatQM detects changes in drive
status automatically.
2. Formatting of two or more different formats (depending on the
number of drives available) within the same session.
3. Formatting of Apple Macintosh(tm) high-density diskettes.
4. Automatic sequential volume labeling; e.g., write volume labels as
LABEL0001, LABEL0002, etc. without prompting.
5. "Smart" formatting--FormatQM will scan and check already-formatted
diskettes and re-format them if errors are detected.
6. "Perfect" format selection--unconditionally reject diskettes with
any flaws on them.
7. User-specifiable formatting patterns, error retry count, and for-
mat/verify pass counts.
8. User-selectable audible signaling.
The registered version of FormatQM offers the following additional
9. User-definable formats. Specifiable DOS characteristics, sector
size, interleave, track skew and boot data. Respecify charac-
teristics of existing formats.
10. "Shell" to a DOS program after each diskette or call a user-
written overlay to perform special processing.
11. Insert copy-protection information on any track.
To install FormatQM, run the FINSTALL program.
FormatQM contains extensive on-line help, which can be viewed, printed
or written to a file for later viewing.
FormatQM implements two interfaces--a menu-driven interface and a
standard DOS command line interface. To start FormatQM with the menu
interface, just run the following command:
If you're interested in obtaining help without actually formatting any
diskettes, run the following command:
Seeing-impaired users and others using an automatic text-to-speech
translation device can obtain better performance by adding the word
CRTBIOS to the FORMATQM command line:
Far East users (e.g., Japan, China) can restrict FormatQM's display to
the first 127 ASCII characters by using the word 7BIT on the command
Monochrome laptop computers with LCD screens will generally show a
better display if the MONO word is added to the command line:
Any of these words may be assigned to the DOS environment variable
FORMATQM in place of specifying them on the command line. For example,
to specify CRTBIOS, insert the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
The following files are contained in this archive:
FORMATQM.EXE FormatQM main program
FINSTALL.EXE FormatQM installation program
VIEWCONF.EXE Diskette configuration viewer
FORMATQM.PIF Sample .PIF for Windows
SYDEX.ICO Sydex Icon for Windows
ORDER.FRM Order form
READ.ME This file
WHATS.NEW What's new in this version
DBCS.DOC Notes for Chinese- and Japanese-Language Users
CCARD.DOC Notes for users of Micro Solutions' Compaticard
SYDEX.DOC Sydex services and products
FILE_ID.DIZ Description for BBS Sysops
All programs and documentation in this product are Copyright, 1995 by
Sydex, Incorporated and may not be reproduced in any manner without
the express permission of Sydex.